To the very best of times, John.


here are a few people disappointed to the Sherlock's returning season,

but speaking frankly, I thought they've really done a brilliant job, haven't they?

we always watch an episode, looking for some exciting stuff in it, and so did I.

However , after I'd joined the micro-film club, I started to look a movie in another way.

I try to know how they filmed it, and how they made it attractive.

Every scene, every moment. I want to know how they describe a story.


Even to some imaginary scenes, such as Mind Palace, how did it work out to connect a story?

That's what I wanna know and learn. Not just received a lot of joy.

Even if there are some people supposed to say NO,I really think it is an awesome season.

It is definitely an excellent returning season. Just learn more, see more.

Don't touch the great work like that, don't just look for entertainment.

Staying with Sherlock, and find out the wonders of the bigger world, with the wider view.


We are not Sherlock, and we wouldn't be as clever as he is, either.

But why not we learn? We all love this show, and we know it is NOT JUST A SHOW.

We love watching Sherlock's deduction, and also solving crimes.

We love The Story, don't we?


If they are going to tell us something deeper, why should we ignore?

The previous two seasons were talking about deduction, and there were also a sort of entertainment.

But the third season not only talks about deduction, but also the human beings, the deeper things.

That's what they gonna give us, the new story, the change.

They always give.


Except Moriaty. I really did think he'd already been done.-/-

But he hadn't truly.Arsh., the fourth season is going to tell us how Moriaty surived??? o_O

Oh, that's not funny, Sherlock!!!


By the way, I really wanna say,

All the characters in Sherlock are brilliant, and so are those actors and actresses.

I love them, and admire them indeed.


Such as Molly, Anderson, (Godly he’s still here)

And John, and Mary,


Also Moriaty, Hudson, especially Sherlock.

He’s always been awesome from the first episode we saw, or maybe much better now.

That’s the clever actor he’s always being, Benedict Cumberbatch.

Ps. That violin, that background music, really made me burst out my tears, finally. 

Without doubt, S03E03 is truly a nuclear bomb, as everyone said. But I do love it,Christ!


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